Computer Engineering (GIA)

The Computer Department is established in the year of 1987. The department has well qualified faculty to fulfill the academic and other kinds of students' needs to achieve mission and vision of the department. In order to achieve task as stated in mission statement, we use learning tools like lecture-cum- discussion, smart board, laboratory work, tutorials, home assignments, seminars, field visits and project work. Department have well equip classrooms and laboratories as per AICTE norms and standards.


1. Produce the computer engineer with strong fundamental concepts, analytical and problem solving skills 2. Provide conducive environment to develop creativity and innovation 3. Impart moral and ethical values, and interpersonal skills to the students 4. Motivate faculties and students for continuous updating of knowledge to meet globally changing technology 5. Promote students to accomplish excellence in computer engineering


Mould Computer engineering students into capable, efficient and technologically skilled professionals to work in industries and social needs.



Laboratory Details

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Microprocessor & Digital Electronics

• This lab is equipped with various trainer kits such as CRO, basic gates, Oscilloscope, function generator ,G Digital Tester, 8085 Microprocessor trainer kit, Digital/Analog Multi meter , LAN trainer kits,. • To impart knowledge about the working of different parts of computer as per curriculum. • Students can practically learn working of different peripherals of computer. • Oscilloscope, function generator and basic logic gates are available for better understanding of subjects like Basic Electronics and Fundamental of digital Electronics.

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Basic Programming Lab

• To develop, debug and execute various programs in different programming language as per curriculum. • To impart logical skills for developing programs. • To explore new technologies and trends. • This lab is well equipped with adequate number of computers.

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Advance Programming Lab

• To develop, debug and execute various programs in different programming language as per curriculum. • To impart logical skills for developing programs. • To explore new technologies and trends. • This lab is well equipped with adequate number of computers and Smart Board.


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Best Polytechnic Teacher Award-2021

Our Faculty Hardik Patel awarded as Best Polytechnic Teacher award - 2021 by ISTE